Open for Business!
We are open! We have been working remotely the last few months and are very happy to be back to some new normal in person at our office. We sincerely hope you and your family are safe and healthy. We are looking forward to kicking the summer season off shortly once VT mandates lift. We would like to thank our owners and renters for their cooperation during this unprecedented time, especially while we juggled property changeover like never before! We cannot wait to have you all back in the valley when orders lift!

A few changes you will see from us:
-Office hours remain 9am-3pm, seven days a week, during the summer (In person hours at the office might vary slightly as we remain flexible with the ongoing crisis. Our email is checked regularly seven days a week during these hours and is the best method of contact).
-Only one member of our team will be in office each day.
-Our office door will remain locked for the foreseeable future, we will unlock and let you in as you arrive.
-Only one group allowed inside at a time, and only two people from that group.
-Everyone coming to our office must be wearing a mask, no exceptions. Please let us know if you need one.
-If you prefer “curbside chat” please give a call when you arrive (800-833-0904) we are more than happy to come talk shop at a distance in the parking lot.
-We are showing properties via Zoom and FaceTime! If you are looking to book a seasonal please reach out and we will arrange a meeting with you to virtually see some properties.
-For the safety of our team, owners, renters, and their guests we will not entering occupied homes for any showings.
-We are adding virtual tours to our property listings on our website!
We are booking properties to the summer and winter seasons. Please contact us if you’re searching for a rental for any time of year!
Thank you once again for your cooperation as we all try to navigate this new normal. Be well!
Melissa, Megan, Karen, and Debi
Posted on 06/16/2020 in Uncategorized